Jun 14, 2020
Posted in blog, Linux, Quick Tips, Tutorial
Welcome back again to another Stealthbay blog. So this week I was trying to setup a LAMP (linux, apache, mariadb, php) setup to test out some web apps. And, I thought I’d post a quick tutorial on what I did to set one up. Hopefully, it helps someone else out there to setup one very quickly using CentOS 8.
Note – I was using CentOS 8 on VMWare 15.5 and noticed there is an issue. Make sure you do not power the machine on right away. Go to the hardware settings on the VM and remove the “autostart.inf” it shows up as a CD/DVD drive. This is the easy install option and it messes up the installation.
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Jan 23, 2017
Posted in Encryption, Information Security
Public Wi-Fi Security
Today in our current world we have access to free public wifi practically around ever corner street. Most cafes and restaurants offer free public WiFi to just about anyone. What people fail to realize is that technology is no different in the public compared to people being in public.
Let’s create a real life use case. You could be taking a nice stroll down at your local park. When someone comes by and starts taking photo’s of you and others at the park. They know have “access” to an image of you without your knowledge. But, (more…)
Dec 12, 2016
Posted in Encryption, Information Security, Quick Tips, Tutorial
HTTPS Site Wide
So, I wanted to write up a quick tutorial on using HTTPS globally or on certain directories of a website.
I had a friend asking me about how they could force HTTPS throughout their whole website. So, I listed a tutorial below to do so and he was able to accomplish HTTPS site wide.
Now, there are multiple ways this can be achieved. In the case of my friend he was on a shared hosting web server. Therefore, shared webhosting users normally will not have access to modify the apache config files.
So that leaves us with a simple solution (htaccess) that all users can make use of fairly easily. All it required is a file edit or creation of a file and the ability to FTP or upload it to your web root directory.
What is an htaccess file?