
Passing The GWAPT Exam

Passing The GWAPT Exam

So, I finally went for it and attempted the GIAC GWAPT exam and passed it! I’ve been conducting some pen tests prior to taking the SANS SEC 542 course and the GWAPT exam. The course taught me many new things, and gave me a new perspective, and insight when it comes to web application pen testing. This blog post is to share my experience on how to best prepare for taking the GWAPT exam.

Should I take this exam or challenge the GWAPT ?

Many people will ask themselves this very same question. The best answer really depends on what your career goals are for your future. If you plan on being a pen tester, then this is a must at least if you are new or an intermediate to web pen testing. These days the Internet is filled with web applications, and now with more data and applications placed in the cloud. WebApp pen testing is a skill in demand and will be needed to test anything open to the public via the cloud.


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Passing The GSEC Exam

Passing The GSEC Exam

So, I’ve officially nailed down another Information Security certificate. And, this time a certificate from the SANS Institute with their GIAC- GSEC certificate. I thought I’d make a post for other people that plan to challenge the exam, and share my own personal experience through it all.

Is it Right For Me ?

The big question would be why are you thinking of obtaining this certificate? Does your work require it? Are you new to the information security field and want a better foothold into the industry? Do you wish to gain more knowledge and/or a higher quality of training? If it’s any of those reasons apply to you, then I would definitely point you towards getting your GSEC certificate.

Preparing For The Exam

So some may ask how they can best prepare for the exam? (more…)

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