
Why No Padlock?

SSL Scanning Websites

So today, I came across a website that does a quick SSL test on your website.

Anyone with a website should really be running this tool. I actually did find a few minor issues and was able to gather some info about it.

Our Results

Here is what we got for our results:




It’s looking good for us and especially since we have forced all our internal links to make use of HTTPS

I also wanted to list a bad result as shown below.


Forcing HTTPS on Websites (.htaccess)

HTTPS Site Wide

So, I wanted to write up a quick tutorial on using HTTPS globally or on certain directories of a website.

I had a friend asking me about how they could force HTTPS throughout their whole website. So, I listed a tutorial below to do so and he was able to accomplish HTTPS site wide.

Now, there are multiple ways this can be achieved. In the case of my friend he was on a shared hosting web server. Therefore,  shared webhosting users normally will not have access to modify the apache config files.

So that leaves us with a simple solution (htaccess) that all users can make use of fairly easily. All it required is a file edit or creation of a file and the ability to FTP or upload it to your web root directory.

What is an htaccess file?

