Dec 19, 2016
Posted in Featured, Information Security, mobile, portfolio, Tutorial
Mobile Hardening
A question I often get asked by a lot of mobile users is regarding how they can secure “harden” their mobile devices. What can they do to add some layers of protection to secure their mobile devices?
There aren’t a whole lot of software tools that are out there which actually harden mobile devices. And, it’s a bit unfortunate that mobile security has a lower priority these days.
Kaspersky Threats 2015
Courtesy of (
For most Android and iOS devices there are a few steps and actions that you can take in order to harden your mobile device.
The following steps should give you some basic hardening techniques for personal use.
Sep 5, 2016
Posted in Featured, mobile, New Products, News
Samsung Note 7 Mobile Devices
Samsung recently released a new phone to their existing line of phones.
They released their new device the Note 7, which made some amazing sales in the first week of its release.
The demand was so high, they they ended up selling out all of their preorders.
However, it seems that Samsung now has come head to head with a new global issue.
An announcement was made recently which revealed that the Samsung Note 7 devices can melt, catch on fire and even explode when being charged.
The issue seems to reside from using a battery supplier than possibly did not make high quality batteries.
The models sold in China had a battery made from another supplier, which might be why none of these issues have been heard of in China so far.