
Recover Keys – Part 2 – Scanning Devices on the Network

In this Part 2 review of Recover Keys, we will look at how we can scan machines via the network. For most users, I don’t believe this option will be used too often. The average home user that purchase a license for personal use could just uninstall and install the tool on each machine they want to grab license keys off of, or buy a license for multiple machines.

For larger organizations this tool is excellent as it can be installed in one location on a single machine. You also get the ability of being able to extract the license keys via the network, which makes this tool much more efficient and valuable. At the end of the day it is all about saving and making the best use of time.

If you haven’t read Part 1 of using Recover Keys (scanning a local machines) you can check it out here:

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TeamViewer Breach?

Teamviewer is a fairly popular application used to gain remote access to machines.

Many use it to help other users troubleshoot their computer issues.
I personally avoid these types of applications as there are added security risks and concerns.

Teamviewer went down about a month ago which impacted every Teamviewer user on a global scale.
Many people at that time thought Teamviewer had been breached or hacked.

I was alerted about the issue through a friend the same day.
The twitter feed for teamviewer was hit hard by angry users. And as I started to noticed right away many businesses rely heavily on TeamViewer to run their day to day operations. (more…)
