Wappalyzer – Identify technology on websites
Wappalyzer – Identify technology on websites
During one of my SANS vLive courses I am currently taking part in. My instructor introduced us to a nifty tool called Wappalyzer. He said he does use it as “one” of his tools of arsenal for pentesting servers and websites. I decided to take a look for myself since it wasn’t part of our SANS course. And, when you have a SANS instructor discussing a tool they use… well you just can’t go wrong by checking it out for yourself.
Finding technologies on a website
One of the most important aspects of pen testing online is to conduct proper recon. You need information to be able to devise a plan to more forward with the pen test. Information gathering is key and Wappalyzer can definetly help with recon. I decided to use Stealthbay.com as an example to see what type of technologies would show up. (more…)